Saturday, March 8, 2014

Nokia 1616 ringer problem solution

Nokia 1616 ringer problem solution 

Today  I tell you how to repair Nokia 1616 ringer problem ? we can repair it very simple easily ways. See the bellow image and work step by step very silently.

See the bellow :

How to done this work :  

 If you front this problem, then at first check ringtone setting or Reset Factory setting. And see result. If you see result same then open phone hardware and check ringer speaker. Next check mark diode if needed, remove it or replace it.

Nokia 1616 sim jumper

Nokia 1616 sim jumper

Today I share you 100% tested this solution. Nokia 1616 phone may be a few time showing Insert sim problem. When face this problem then repair it easily this solution. If you fail, repair this solution using other solution, you can apply this solution. I hope you successfully repair it.

See the image bellow :

Nokia 1616 sim jumper solution

How to done this work :

At first check Sim card. If sim card ok but problem found, then Open phone Hardware. Next check sim base and sim pin point if they ok then check red mark line. If you see they are ok but problem still then remove sim ic and make this jumper.

Nokia 1616 Test Mode Solution

Nokia 1616 Test Mode Solution 

Nokia 1616 Test Mode Solution is very easily. Many region may be test mode problem on nokia 1616 phone. Maximum time have this problem for water damage. When a phone drop down in water then may be made many problem. But test mode problem is one of them. Today I showing how to repair Nokia 1616 Test Mode.

See the image bellow :

How to done this work :  wash full PC board using Contact Cleaner Or Petrol, thinner carefully and hit with Stan  light 4 to 6-7 minute. Then see the result. if same problem, then check this yellow line and red mark parts.